Calendar of Conferences
1997 Conferences
Contact us to list your conference. We reserve the right to list only those events we feel are appropriate to this site. This page is updated regularly.
- April 11-13, 1997--Ninth Annual Ozark UFO Conference, Inn of
the Ozarks, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. For information: Ozark UFO
Conference, #2 Caney Valley Dr., Plummerville, AR 72127 or call
- April 12, 1997--FortNite '97, Bethesda, MD. Speakers include: Bob Tetts, Vincent DiPietro, John Michell, John Anthony West, Robert Schmidt, and more. For information write to: FortNite, PO Box N, College Park, MD 20740.
- April 16-19, 1997--The Second Annual Alternative Therapies Symposium at the Hilton at Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida. For more information call (800) 899-0573.
- April 19-20, 1997--UnConvention97, Fortean Times presents "50 Years of UFOlogy," London, England. Speakers include James Moseley and Patrick Huyghe. For more information, point your browser to Fortean Times.
- April 20, 1997--Alien Abductions & the UFO Phenomenon: Frontier Research Seminars at the Rutgers University Continuing Education Center, New Brunswick, NJ. Speakers include Jim Marrs, Leonard George Maurice Hathaway, and more. For information contact Art Wagner (908) 873-8587 or email here.
- May 21-24, 1997--The 15th International "Perspectives on
Contemporary Legend" Conference, Boulder, Colorado. For details: email Michael Preston
- May 23-26, 1997--The Fourth International Symposium on New Energy, at the Marriott Tech Center in Boulder, Colorado. Speakers include: Eugene Mallove, Glen Rein, Tom Bearden, and more. For information point your browser here.
- May 24, 1997--The Signs have Arrived: Earth Changes, Ancient and Current Alien Contacts, The Edgar Cayce Prophecies, and Crop Circle Phenomena, on the campus of Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. Speakers include Richard Thompson, Colin Andrews, and Charles Thomas Cayce. For information call (802) 483-2415 or email MPH Productions.
- June 5-7, 1997--The 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, point your browser to the SSE website.
- June 13-18, 1997--Seventh Annual Conference of the
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine,
Boulder, Colorado. For details contact ISSEEM Central Office, 356 Goldco
Circle, Golden, CO 80403 or call (303) 278-2228.
- June 14-16, 1997--Association for the Scientific Study of
Consciousness Conference, Claremont, CA. For details: email William Banks.
- June 21-22, 1997--"The UFO Event of the Year," North Haven, Connecticut. Omega Communications presents a weekend with Stanton Friedman and John Mack. For more information contact: Omega Communications, PO Box 2051, Cheshire, CT. 06410.
- July 11-13, 1997--The 28th Annual MUFON International UFO Symposium, "The 50th Anniversary of UFOlogy," Grand Rapids, Michigan. For more information, contact: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099.
- July 11-13, 1997--Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age
Civilizations: Archeological, Geological, and Astronomical Perspectives,
Fitzwilliam Collge, Cambridge, England. Speakers include: Duncan Steele,
Mark Bailey, Victor Clube, Gunnar Heinsohn, Bill Napier, and many more.
For information: Email Benny
- Aug.3-8, 1997>--24th Anniversary World Conference of the
Ancient Astronaut Society, Orlando, Florida. Speakers include Alan
Alford, Filip Coppens, Michael Cremo and many more. For information
Ancient Astronaut Society, 1921 St. Johns Avenue, Highland Park, IL
60035-3178, or call (847) 295-8899.
- Aug. 7-10, 1997--40th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Brighton, England. For information, contact: Mrs. Laura Knipe, PO Box 797, Fairhaven, MA. 02179 USA.
- Aug. 29-Sept.2, 1997--Prague, Alchemy, and the Hermetic Tradition, Prague, Czech Republic. For information write to: The New York Open Center, 83 Spring St., NEw York, NY 10012; or call: (212)-219-2527.
- Sept. 4-7, 1997--Ninth Euro Skeptics Conference: Science, Pathological Science, and Pseudoscience, La Coruna, Spain. For details, Email Miguel Sabadell.
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